Features on dust control and pneumatics, powder handling and food are just some of the highlights in the latest print issue of the Australian Bulk Handling Review, which is now available in its digital, true-to-print format.
Dust control is an important consideration in and around bulk handling infrastructure across multiple industries. Increased environmental awareness in recent decades has driven stricter obligations for operators, while improved suppression of product can also result in a healthy uptick in operational efficiency.
This issue’s feature on dust control includes new technologies, and an ‘Ask an Engineer’ column from Jenike & Johanson’s Eric Maynard on the United States’ new Dust Hazard Analysis protocol.
The May-June issue of ABHR is, notably, the last edition edited by Charles Macdonald, who recently left Mohi Media after editing the magazine for 13 years.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my 13 years at Australian Bulk Handling Review and I have made some good friends in the industry,” Charles writes in his editorial column. “I’d like to wish all the best to my colleagues at ABHR and I’m sure that readers will continue to enjoy the magazine under its new editor.”
Click here to view the digital edition of ABHR May-June.